Sunday, March 30, 2008

Life. Oh life. Oooooooh lifeeeeeee. Oh life.

In life there are many unwanted things ditched at us. Some dodge them, some take it as it comes, some got hit by it not knowing it was coming. God has indeed been fair to us. He knows that life is fragile, and with so many twist and turns, it's just a question of time before we break. So He gave us the human spirit.

Human spirit is something intangible, or more like transcendental. It is something all scientists assemble together and they can never get an absolute answer for it. I think its what links us to up there. It is our inner voice and upper voice. The best part about human spirit is, it stretches as far as we can. In other words, we are as strong as we want to be. The secret weapon to human spirit is our ability to believe in ourselves and to love ourselves.

When the going gets rough, we often pray to God to ask for strength. So He gave us strength. He puts obstacles in front of us just to give us a chance to use this newfound strength. But what do we do? We blame Him for what happen and ask for more strength. Don't we? Lol. Humans. I do the same thing countless times too. Often, we focused to much about one problem in our lives until we neglect other blessings we have.

OK, I shall get straight to the point. Life is difficult when you lose a loved one. Separation is never easy. But this is only part of life. There's more to come ahead. Look at it this way, yes, a loved one is lost but what about other benedictions in life? Say, our family all under one roof, we have shelter over our head, food on our tables everyday, clothes that fills up wardrobes, and of course we're as fit as a fiddle. We still have the essentials in life with us. I know there are many out there who is willing to give up anything just to be in our place.

In relationships, when we have each other, we may forget the very reason we're united as one. Mainly because we focused too much on the problems of being together. We may forget how to love each other. But when we lose each other that's when we realize about how things could have been improved, how things could have differed if only there was more appreciation in the relationship. Now that's its lost, why don't we repent and appreciate what is left of us instead? Other blessings in life may be lost in the wink of an eye. Sometimes, when we're too focused on one distorted part of the picture, we need to take a step back and see the bigger picture. We only lost a huge piece of the puzzle, but not the whole puzzle.

I'm sure many might say "easier said than done". But don't we need some people to make it sound easy so that we have the courage and strength to do it? If everyone were to be dragged down by this and be discouraging, then there's no such thing as pillar of strength. It all boils down to whether you want to really believe it and try it or just shove it aside. Because, knowing what to do is different from wanting to do it. Knowing itself does not give much push to do something compared to desire to do it. Its all in your thinking, my dears.

I wouldn't say don't mourn over it but more like don't let it dictate you. Let your grief out but don't over do it. I shall quote my friend "There's only so much we can fuss about. Not everything". If you have given your best and it still won't work out then persevere. Or let it go. Sitting on one spot and mourn will get you no where. Whenever sadness comes flooding you, think about other blessings in life worth cherishing. The fact that you're alive and have the time to grief about it is already a blessing.

Well, its only this much I can type. You know who you are when you read this post. And I hope you don't get offended by this. I'm praying for your speedy recovery. I love you, dear. Hugs.

Just a food for thought. How do we measure life then? Perhaps by seeing how colourful it is?

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